Friday October 21

.**Reminder that next week we will be having Walking Field Trips in the afternoon each day. Please make sure students are arriving at school dressed for the weather as we will be going, rain or shine. *

Hello Room 17 families, 

In math we have been learning about input and output tables, figure patterns, and creating pattern rules, including using algebraic expressions

In science, we have been doing a lot with our fingerprints. We took our fingerprints and stamped them on to a balloon to blow up, to see what type it was and what 'fingerprint characteristics' we could find. Ask your child what are the different types of fingerprints. 

We did our good copy art for the Art Card fundraiser. We taught our buddies about creating shades, they did shades of blue, we did shades of red. 

In writing this week we wrote a letter to Miss Adamson. We have been practicing writing paragraphs and used that to help us in our first stint in letter writing.

This week we learned about character perspective, we read a few chapters from our book Restart and had to compare their problems and feelings, and how they feel about 'New Chase'. 

Halloween is Monday, October 31st. Students are invited to wear Halloween costumes if they would like. We remind all students that there is no gore, no masks and no weapons. Students should come with their costumes on. Please ensure that costumes are comfortable to be worn throughout the day and will be safe and suitable for all daily activities such as gym, recess and learning time. Inflatable costumes are challenging for students to work in throughout the day. In keeping with nutrition and health protocols, we ask for no additional treats or snacks to be sent in.  

The parade is BACK! We are so happy to welcome families back to the school for our Halloween parade. The gym will be set up for costume viewing. Our parade will start at 1:00 and students will wander through the gym to showcase their costumes. If you would like to join us, please come to the front door and join us in the gym for 1:00. Please connect with your child’s teacher if you do not want your child participating in Halloween activities, such as the parade, during the day. 

November 1st will be the Spirit Day chosen by rooms 10 and 12. We will be having a pajama day. All staff and students are invited to wear their comfy pjs for the day. 


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