Volunteer Tea and Rugby

 Hello Room 17 families, I hope you have been hearing lots about our amazing trip to outdoor school last week and the great time our students had learning outdoors. Here are a few school updates:

If you have been a volunteer within any of the Lake Bonavista classrooms this year.... YOU'RE INVITED! 

Phys Ed Infromation:

Lake Bonavista School is participating in rugby from June 5th until June 8th in our school field. This sport involves foundational movement skills such as jumping, running, throwing, and catching. The goal of this experience is to learn the skills of rugby and will not involve any bodily contact.    

 Rugby Alberta has generously agreed to provide this residency free of charge. 

Consent forms will be sent home with your child soon.  Please sign and return the forms so your child is able to participate in this fun LBS event! Forms are DUE WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 2023. 


Active Living  

See everyone tomorrow!


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