Music Announcement

 Dear grade 5/6 families, 


We will soon be starting a Recorder Unit for students in rooms 7, 16 and 17. Students will be able to learn to play Recorder with good tone and develop the ability to read Music (Music Program of Study).   


Grade 6 students may still have their recorder from when they were in grade 3.  If they would like to use this recorder, please ensure that it comes to school by Feb. 1.   

If you wish to purchase a new recorder at a cost of $6.50, it is possible to do so in Powerschool until January 23.   I will place the orders right away so that we will hopefully have our recorders by Feb. 1.  These are three-piece Suzuki recorders that come in a cloth bag with a cleaning wand and are excellent quality and tone. 


Recorders will be kept at school for the duration of the Recorder Unit and will be stored in the Music room.  Recorders will be sent home when we finish our Recorder Unit at the end of March.   


Thank you for your support of this very important music activity. 


Julie Kawchuk   


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