jan 20 2023 Blog

 blog by Aeknoor & room 17

In math we did a lots of practice for long division, including a math scavenger hunt. We also did math warm ups. 

In social we coloured and labelled a map of Canada. 

In writing we finished up persuasive writing we got to chose our own topic this time to show Miss Adamson how we could apply the skills we've learned!! 

In reading grade 5/6 read a short story & answered questions as well as summarized the story and pulled out vocabulary they were unsure of to look up definitions.

In French we have created french houses or 'ma maison', we need to draw and label furniture and rooms within our houses in french.

In science we made bread, an experiment to learn about physical and chemical changes in chemistry.

In health we learned about the 7 sacred teachings each represented by an animal, they are love, honesty, respect, humility, truth, courage and wisdom. We will continue learning more about these next week. 


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