December 2nd

 Blog by Mulan! 

        In writing, we did picture prompts, where we got to choose between 2 pictures to write a story about. The pictures were Stilt Town and Strength of a Thousand. Stilt Town is a town built on stilts in the ocean, and Strength of a Thousand is a girl holding up a truck! For the story, we first wrote a planning page, then wrote the story and got feedback from a buddy.

    In social studies, we learned about the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We had the choice to either make a poster about the Charter, or write summaries on a computer. We also talked about problems that has to do with the Charter. We had debates about them too.

    In science, we learned about tire tracks. We went to the parking lot with a buddy, and sketched the tracks in the snow. We also did a rubbing of the tires with crayons and white paper. 

    For math, we started Multiplication and Division unit. We first did single by double, or triple by  single Later on, we started doing double by triple, and double by double. We got to do a chart about the Invisible Man to figure out a code with multiplication.

    For art, we started a door decorating contest between Rm 17 and 16. (Room 17 will obviously win). The theme for the contest is Winter Contest.

    In reading, we listened to 2 chapters from Restart. Then we wrote a summary about the 2 chapters.

    Happy winter holidays!


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