Book Fair

 Our Book Fair has started. The link below is active. 


We are pleased to be hosting a hybrid (In-School and Virtual) Scholastic Book.   

Each class will get an opportunity to visit the Book Fair on either Monday, November 21st or Tuesday, November 22nd 


Attached is your child’s wish list. If you would like to purchase anything from your child’s wish list you can choose to do so using any of the three methods listed below.  


Purchase Options:  

·         Cash sent in with your child and initialed wish list  

o    Initial next to the items you would like to purchase and send in exact cash  

o    Please note, that in-school purchases already include GST 

o    Cash orders need to be sent in by Thursday, November 24th 

·         Online using the link posted on your child’s teachers blog or below  

o    Virtual Book Fair Link:

o    Link is active from Monday, November 21st till Sunday, November 27th  

o    Online orders will be shipped to the school and sent home with your child when they arrive 

·         In-Person during your parent teacher conference time   


*Dear Parents: You are under no obligation to purchase the products listed.*  


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