Thursday October 6th

 Hello Room 17 families, 

This week we have been wrapping up representing numbers and have been working on showing Miss Adamson what we learned in the past few weeks. We will be moving on to new areas in math where we can apply what we learned to new concepts. 

We have been working on Questioning and Vocabulary during our read aloud time. We have been applying our understanding of different types of questions to our read aloud, asking questions before, during and after reading. We also have been learning about how to pull new vocabulary from the text as a class and using technology and dictionaries to look up their meaning. We talked about using the context of the sentence to help us pick the definition that fits best. We will continue to build this understanding together, and independently.

In social studies we have begun talking about government. We have been discussing why we have rules, the different types of rules we have in the various spaces we occupy, and their impact on our society. We also have been talking about citizenship and how each citizen has the power to make change. We brainstormed the various people we know who have created changes within our world.

Please see infographic below about our upcoming Art Cards school fundraiser.

Have a fantastic long weekend and we will see you on Tuesday!


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