Friday October 14

 Hello room 17 families, 

This week in math we began learning about patterns. Ask your child what 2 types of patterns we learned about this week and how to figure out the pattern rules.  We started science today looking at 'Evidence and Investigation'. Students used their detective skills to try and remember all the facts they could about a student who had been asked to leave the classroom, we discussed the difference between facts and opinions and why facts are important to this unit. 

In writing we worked on our paragraph writing skills by answering different 'Would you Rather' questions, and providing 3 details that supported our answers. We have also been reading the book 'Restart' and working on picking out words we don't know and looking them up with computers or dictionaries to help us understand what we are reading. 

In social studies we have been learning about government. We have learned that our government is a democracy and that we have a voice in how things are run. We also learned about some child activists who are working on making positive changes, we will continue this into future weeks.

This week we have been working hard to prepare for our art cards to be sent off to the printer. We did our rough copy of our art over 2 days, and will be reflecting and then creating our good copy next week to be sent for printing. More information about how to order will be coming in November. 


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