Thursday September 22

Hello Room 17 families, 

This week in math we have been continuing to work on place value. We have been representing numbers in the ten millions using a variety of different techniques. 

In writing we have been continuing to work on expanding sentences, as well as looking at fragmented sentences. We have learned that a sentence should have a subject and predicate in order to be considered complete and make sense. 

We have been learning about different questions- deep ocean questions and surface level puddle questions. We learned about Terry Fox and worked to ask different types of questions about his life that would spark discussion and make us think deeply.

We also learned an ombre painting technique and made our own bookmarks.

I am hoping to create a torn art piece this upcoming week and am looking for magazine donations. If you have any old magazines that you are willing to part with, if you could please send them in early in the week that would be fantastic. 

Thank you and have a great weekend.


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