Friday September 16th

 Happy Weekend Room 17!

This week in math we have begun looking at place value. We revised the various ways we know to show numbers and are beginning to work towards representing numbers to ten million. 

In Language Arts we have been working on expanding sentences. We have been looking at boring simple sentences and working to make them more interesting by adding more 'vibrant verbs', 'specific nouns' and amazing adjectives, as well as ensuring that we are telling the 'when?' 'where?' and 'why' to add more details. Today we worked with our table group to create some amazing sentences by each adding an element to each others' simple sentences. 

Our class has been sharing unique artifacts we brought from home and working to ask the sharer deep questions to help us to learn about the artifact that they have brought. 

Finally we have been learning about Responsible Work Choice and the various materials we have around the room we can use to learn more about the subjects we are passionate about.  Responsible Work Choice is an important part of the Montessori philosophy that allows students to use their time to expand their brains after their assigned work is complete in a way that suits their interests. 

Have a fantastic weekend and see you on Monday!!


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